We tend to be some of the most conservative in the area for start times. This conservative approach means we are honest on when you actually need treatment so there is no pressure to put braces on immediately. We advocate to let the natural growing process run its course first, so if your child is not ready for braces they can be observed in our Kid’s Club program. This free program allows you to come to our office to be routinely checked to determine the best plan and time of treatment!
Observing your child until they are ready is very important as we monitor the exfoliation and eruption of teeth to prevent impacted teeth and to see if your child needs Phase 1/early intervention treatment. A very small percentage needs early treatment, when it is needed, it is generally because the correction cannot occur later due to a specific growth time frame and to prevent possible damage of teeth and/or the gums and jaw structure.
We explain each and every step, what we want to see, and how we get there when needed. Your child will get to spin our prize wheel every time they come in as well!
We typically have to update an x-ray every few years which we do not charge for.